
2020年10月15日—WhenIaddhttps://slat.estomyiPhone'shomescreenitshowsupasascreenshotofthewebsiteitself.I'vealsotriedaddingfavicon.icoand ...,Hi,I'mawebdeveloperandIwouldtoputinmywebsiteafaviconforeachAppleMobileDevicesbutIdon'tknowthesizesofeachfavicon'simages(for ...,Generateandsetupafaviconfordesktopbrowsers,iPhone/iPad,Androiddevices,Windows8tabletsandmore.Inamatterofseconds,designaniconthatl...

Adding favicon so that when adding website to iphone ...

2020年10月15日 — When I add to my iPhone's homescreen it shows up as a screenshot of the website itself. I've also tried adding favicon.ico and ...

Apple Mobile Devices - HTML Favicon - apple-touch

Hi, I'm a web developer and I would to put in my website a favicon for each Apple Mobile Devices but I don't know the sizes of each favicon's images (for ...

Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator

Generate and setup a favicon for desktop browsers, iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Windows 8 tablets and more. In a matter of seconds, design an icon that looks ...

Favicon Checker 檢查網站圖示在iOS、Android、PC 和Mac ...

如果你不知道自己網站上的網站圖示Favicon 設定是否正確,或是呈現出來的效果有沒有符合預期,可透過「Favicon Checker」免費線上工具檢查一下,這個服務的功能很簡單 ...

Favicon Generator for perfect icons on all browsers

The ultimate favicon generator. Design your icons platform per platform and make them look great everywhere. Including in Google results pages.

How to properly set favicon for iPhone?

2018年4月24日 — How to properly set favicon for iPhone? ... As you see, I added rel=icon and relshortcut icon and also precomposed favicon, but nothing helps.


2022年2月22日 — FavIcon is a tiny Swift library for downloading the favicon representing a website. Wait, why is a library needed to do this?

以2024 年的方法製作Favicon:6 個檔案就搞定大多數需求(翻譯)

2024年3月7日 — 用SVG 取代PNG,相信瀏覽器向下相容,捨棄過時的格式—現代網頁Favicon 的終極、詳盡指南。包含靜態HTML 和Webpack 會用到的步驟。

在Mac App Store 上的「Favicon Downloader」

Favicon Downloader can download all the different icons a website provides for various platforms including: -apple-touch-icon. -apple-touch-icon-precomposed. - ...